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NGOs Working for Child Education


GiveIndia states that India has four NGOs for every 1,000 people in the urban areas and 2.3 NGOs for every 1,000 people in rural areas. The impact and importance of these organizations in various spheres are on the rise.



NGOs work at the grassroots level to help underprivileged children access quality education. India is a vast country with a vast demographic and geographic divide, and NGO’s play a key role in bringing people together.

Started by Sr. Cyril Mooney in the year 1998, Loreto Rainbow Homes Foundation is a partnered project of the Rainbow Homes Program which is a national level umbrella project of RFI working in collaboration with ARUN , government and other likeminded organizations, corporate companies aiming to protect, care for, educate and empower our most disadvantaged girl children. These include girls who live on city streets; orphaned, abandoned, and violence-affected children; working children; children of farmer – suicide and starvation families; and children of sex workers. The program is built over a period of 17 years and currently having an extensive experience of addressing the issues of children living in street situations. The model is to reach urban deprived children, where civil society participation has a big role in recognizing the needs of the most vulnerable sector of our society – the children, their basic rights to a safe & secured living as little citizens of today, and future global citizens of tomorrow

Education is the most effective weapon that one can use to change the world and the most effective way to break out of poverty. Yet, after 70 years of Independence, over 2 cr. children remain out of school in India. These kids are not only deprived of their right to receive an education, but they lose their childhood to earn bread for a living. Metros such as Delhi and Kolkata are home to many urban poor living in slum-like areas or slums. Children in these communities have very little or no access to education and are often involved in child labour. When there is a significant imbalance, NGOs exist to balance the seesaw. NGO helps in identifying the most vulnerable children in the poorest states of India. Due to inaccessibility and poverty, children miss out on school. Providing quality education to all Indian children should be the top priority of both the Central and State governments. And thus, the various departments of the Government of India often support charities to bring more and more kids under the ambit of their education initiatives.

In the 20th century, children who came with their share of environmental issues and health died of malnutrition, a balanced diet, anaemia deficiency, and other diseases.
International regulatory bodies such as WHO and UNO are working 
with cruelty to spread awareness, as well as cost-free medicines;


NGOs are radical in providing awareness and vaccination for fatal diseases such as health supplemental polio for various conditions special non-There are government organizations that are working with HIV patients and ultimately help them to lead an everyday life.



NGOs are working for education in India, and this is an effort made of many smaller active modules united with a single goal: child education.